Background Of Study
School gardens have a long history in our educational system, and they are currently gaining popularity. Because the gardens are considered as a tool to teach kids about agriculture, science, nutrition, environmental sciences, and healthy living, this is the case (Graham, 2005). The link between the school garden and the curriculum is getting more attention these days than it has in the past, and it allows schools the potential to innovate and expand their campus' instructional purpose. School gardens are frequently related with experiential education and environmental education from a pedagogical standpoint (Desmond, 2002). The focus of this MSc research is on the connection between the garden and curricula through experiential education.
Recent school garden research has mostly focused on elementary schools (ages 5 to 12) (Waliczek, 2000). Blair (2009) defines formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalThe primary focus of this collection of peer-reviewed literature is on how school gardens can improve children's attitudes toward food and nature while also increasing physical activity (Hermann, 2006; Ratcliffe, 2011; Libman, 2007; Ozer, 2007; Robinson-O'Brien, 2009). Despite the numerous potential benefits of gardening for students, obesity prevention is a prevalent justification in both elementary and secondary school garden programs (Graham, 2005). In reality, the focus of school gardens in secondary schools is on learning rather than obesity prevention.
Secondary school gardens are of particular significance since this is a pivotal period in education when kids are starting to question things, think critically, and establish their own beliefs. School gardens may have a significant impact on students' behaviors at such a key period in their lives. The argument for school gardens is frequently invoked to promote healthy living. Secondary education in modern Western civilization, on the other hand, is often centered on teaching kids how to be healthy people rather than teaching them how to learn for standardized tests. This paradox can put a school garden in conflict with the school. As a result, it's critical that the garden be linked to the curriculum as a vehicle for teaching other topics like agricultural science.
1.2 Statement Of Problem
At the junior secondary (JSS) level, one of the core subjects in which students are expected to acquire knowledge and skills is practical agricultural science (FRN 1981 revised). While the new trend in agricultural science education in Nigeria emphasizes a vocational or occupational preparation in agriculture, it de-emphasizes secondary school students' preparation for the aim of passing a centrally organized test.
The curriculum specifies the general materials and activities that students will use to study and practice agriculture, as well as the expected performance goals for each content area. The curriculum did not clearly describe crucial practical gardening skills and management methods. As a result, for each of the topics to be covered, the curriculum did not specify necessary planting and maintenance abilities.
A skill is an attitude or a certain learning experience that the learner must possess and exhibit. Skills are the abilities that students require in order to succeed in their academic endeavors. and they are also transferable to an individual's life after schooling in the field or at work. For example, practical gardening skills include methods for identifying farming sites and preparing nursery and vegetable beds and ridges, among other things.
The majority of necessary practical gardening abilities are not listed in the JSS agricultural science curriculum. The curriculum did not provide the degree of experience anticipated of students in each skill, as well as a technique and instrument for assessing the students' depth of knowledge of each skill.
Furthermore, agricultural skills are rarely taught in schools where vegetable cultivation is practiced. "The development of psychomotor skills, in-depth knowledge, and perfection in the management of diverse farm activities can only be attained by offering students regular opportunities to dig the soil and cultivate crops," according to Nwabusi (1991).
1.3 Objective Of Study
The general aim of this study is to critically assess the development and validation of practical gardening skills package for junior secondary schools in Enugu State. Below are the specific objectives;
1.4 Research Question
The following questions will guild this study
1.5 Significance Of Study
This study would be extremely helpful in defining the practical abilities that are required of JSS students in the national agriculture science curriculum. According to agricultural teachers, the value of vegetable growing and management abilities in establishing and sustaining a viable vegetable firm would be determined.
This study has broad implications for curriculum creation, since it may help in tailoring content and learning experiences to learners' prior experiences, as well as their cognitive and psychomotor abilities. It is also planned to provide guidance to agricultural science teachers on where to focus their efforts during education, as well as encourage more students to pursue agricultural science at the senior secondary school level and beyond.